Whether you’ve played tennis just once or are a seasoned player who regularly enjoys matches, you are likely aware that honing the mental component of the game is just as vital as your physical game. Staying focused and confident during matches can be the deciding factor between you and your opponent. Yet enhancing your mental game takes effort and awareness. With that in mind, the tennis pros at Parham Bridges have some tips and tried-and-true techniques that will improve your mental game and boost your mental resilience.
There are several methods of improving your mental tennis game, all of which help you stay focused in the moment, make the best decisions, as well as stay positive, resilient, and strong during play time.
The game of tennis requires split second decisions. You need to know that the choices you make in the middle of a match will be the right ones and the way to accomplish this is to practice quick decision-making in the midst of drills and practice games. Note when you’ve made the right choice and when you haven’t, reflect on that as well. Honing this skill is like building muscle memory but for your mind rather than your body.
Sports psychology has proven that visualizing has powerful effects on your game. It enables you to picture the game as it should be in a perfect world. Visualize making perfectly placed shots, moving quickly, reacting smoothly, and making the right decisions along the way. Picture yourself as a powerful, confident, capable tennis player who wins! When you visualize success in tandem with actual game-play visualization, you have a powerful tool that will improve your mental game.
When anyone (yourself or someone else) gets in your head during a tennis match, the battle has been lost. Learn to accept external pressures and comments during games, allowing them to motivate you to improve. After the game, allow yourself to accept the feedback, using it in a growth mindset to push you to improve your game.
During the game, you may feel intense stress or anxiety, especially if it’s not going your way. To learn how to effectively cope with in-the-moment stress, learn relaxation methods, deep breathing, and mindfulness techniques. Not only will this help you relieve stress in a constructive way on the court but will also ensure you have a composed mind that is able to adapt and stay focused on the court.
At times, you can be your own worst enemy on the court. Boost your confidence and self-esteem with a ton of positive self-talk. If negative thoughts arise, reframe them and replace them with affirmations and constructive messages.
Sure, these tips are fantastic and all, but you must practice them consistently and integrate them into your tennis routine in order for them to be effective. Your mental game needs to be just as automatic as your physical one, intuitively responding and reacting for the best possible outcome. Not sure how to practice these techniques? Call on the tennis professionals at Parham Bridges. Our tennis instructors are all players who have decades of experience in perfecting the game of tennis. Our team can help you perform at your peak, both physically and mentally – all while having a little fun (after all, this is a game!). We hope to see you soon!